6. William Tell: a tale is born

K was King William, once governed the land;
L was a lady, who had a white hand.

eeping up the momentum, this chapter (and the three which follow) works steadily through the design of the “William Tell” game that we encountered right at the start of this guide. Many of the principles are the same as the ones we explained when designing Heidi and her forest, so we’ll not linger on what should be familiar ground. “William Tell” is a slightly longer and more complex game, so we’ll move as swiftly as possible to examine the features which are new.

Initial setup

Our starting point is much the same as last time. Here’s a basic Tell.inf:

--- T Y P E ---

!% -SD
Constant Story "William Tell";
Constant Headline
            "^A simple Inform example
             ^by Roger Firth and Sonja Kesserich.^";
Release 3; Serial "040804";     ! for keeping track of public releases

Constant MAX_SCORE = 3;

Include "Parser";
Include "VerbLib";

! Object classes

! The game objects

! The player's possessions

! Entry point routines

[ Initialise;
    location = street;
    lookmode = 2;           ! like the VERBOSE command
    move bow to player;
    move quiver to player; give quiver worn;
    player.description =
        "You wear the traditional clothing of a Swiss mountaineer.";
    print_ret "^^
        The place: Altdorf, in the Swiss canton of Uri. The year is 1307,
        at which time Switzerland is under rule by the Emperor Albert of
            Habsburg. His local governor -- the vogt -- is the bullying
            Hermann Gessler, who has placed his hat atop a wooden pole in
            the centre of the town square; everybody who passes through the
            square must bow to this hated symbol of imperial might.
            You have come from your cottage high in the mountains,
            accompanied by your younger son, to purchase provisions. You are
            a proud and independent man, a hunter and guide, renowned both
            for your skill as an archer and, perhaps unwisely (for his soldiers
            are everywhere), for failing to hide your dislike of the vogt.
            It's market-day: the town is packed with people from the
            surrounding villages and settlements.^";

! Standard and extended grammar

Include "Grammar";


You’ll see that we’ve marked a couple of extra divisions in the file, to help organise the stuff we’ll add later, but the overall structure is identical to our first game. Let’s quickly point out some extra bits and pieces:

  • If you look at a game’s banner, you’ll see two pieces of information: “Release” and “Serial number”.

    William Tell
    A simple Inform example
    by Roger Firth and Sonja Kesserich.
    Release 3 / Serial number 040804 / Inform v6.30 Library 6/11 SD

    These two fields are automatically written by the compiler, which sets by default Release to 1 and the Serial Number to today’s date. However, we can explicitly override this behaviour using Release and Serial, to keep track of different versions of our game. Typically, we will publish several updates of our games over time, each version fixing problems which were found in the previous release. If somebody else reports a problem with a game, we’d like to know exactly which version they were using; so, rather than take the default values, we set our own. When it’s time to release a new version, all we have to do is comment out the previous lines and add another below them:

    !Release 1; Serial "020128";      ! First beta-test release
    !Release 2; Serial "020217";      ! Second beta-test release
    Release 3; Serial "020315";       ! IF Library competition entry
  • We’ll be implementing a simple system of awarding points when the player gets something right, so we define top marks:

    Constant MAX_SCORE = 3;
  • The Initialise routine that we wrote last time contained only one statement, to set the player’s initial location. We do that here as well, but we also do some other stuff.

  • The first thing is to assign 2 to the library variable lookmode. Inform’s default mode for displaying room descriptions is BRIEF (a description is displayed only when a room is visited for the first time) and, by changing this variable’s value, we set it to VERBOSE (descriptions are displayed on every visit). Doing this is largely a matter of personal preference, and in any case it’s nothing more than a convenience; it just saves having to remember to type VERBOSE each time that we test the game.

  • At the start of the game, we want Wilhelm to be equipped with his bow and quiver of arrows. The recommended way of making this happen is to perform the necessary object tree rearrangement with a couple of move statements in the Initialise routine:

    move bow to player;
    move quiver to player;

    and indeed this is the clearest way to place objects in the player’s inventory at the beginning of any game.


    Wait! you say. In the previous chapter, to make an object the child of another object all we needed to do was to define the child object with the internal identification of the parent object at the end of the header:

    Object bird "baby bird" forest

    Why not do that with the player? Because the object which represents the player is defined by the library (rather than as part of our game), and actually has an internal ID of selfobj; player is a variable whose value is that identifier. Rather than worry all about this, it’s easier to use the move statements.

    There’s one other task associated with the quiver; it’s an article of clothing which Wilhelm is “wearing”, a state denoted by the attribute worn. Normally the interpreter would apply this automatically, while handling a command like WEAR QUIVER, but since we’ve moved the quiver ourselves, we also need to set the quiver’s worn attribute. The give statement does the job:

    give quiver worn;

    (To clear the attribute, by the way, you’d use the statement give quiver ~worn – read that as “give the quiver not-worn”; Inform often uses ~ to mean “not”.)

  • If the player types EXAMINE ME, the interpreter displays the description property of the player object. The default value is “As good-looking as ever”, a bit of a cliché in the world of Inform games. It’s easy to change, though, once you realise that, since the properties of an object are variables, you can assign new values to them just as you’d assign new values to location and lookmode. The only problem is getting the syntax right; you can’t say just:

    description = "You wear the traditional clothing of a Swiss mountaineer.";

    because there are dozens of objects in the game, each with its own description property; you need to be a little more explicit. Here’s what to type:

    player.description =
            "You wear the traditional clothing of a Swiss mountaineer.";
  • Finally, the Initialise routine ends with a lengthy print_ret statement. Since the interpreter calls Initialise right at the start of the game, that’s the point at which this material is displayed, so that it acts as a scene-setting preamble before the game gets under way. In fact, everything you want set or done at the very beginning of the game, should go into the Initialise routine.

The game won’t compile in this state, because it contains references to objects which we haven’t yet defined. In any case, we don’t intend to build up the game in layers as we did last time, but rather to talk about it in logically related chunks. To see (and if you wish, to type) the complete source, go to Appendix C – “William Tell” story.

Object classes

Remember how we defined the rooms in “Heidi”? Our first attempt started like this:

Object  "In front of a cottage"
  with  description
            "You stand outside a cottage. The forest stretches east.",
   has  light;

Object  "Deep in the forest"
  with  description
            "Through the dense foliage, you glimpse a building to the west.
             A track heads to the northeast.",
   has  light;


and we explained that just about every room needs that light attribute, or else the player would be literally in the dark. It’s a bit of a nuisance having to specify that same attribute each time; what would be neater would be to say that all rooms are illuminated. So we can write this:

Class  Room
  has  light;

 Room  "In front of a cottage"
 with  description
            "You stand outside a cottage. The forest stretches east.",
  has  ;

 Room  "Deep in the forest"
 with  description
            "Through the dense foliage, you glimpse a building to the west.
             A track heads to the northeast.",
  has  ;


We’ve done four things:

  1. We’ve said that some of the objects in our game are going to be defined by the specialised word Room rather than the general-purpose word Object. In effect, we’ve taught Inform a new word specially for defining objects, which we can now use as though it had been part of the language all along.
  2. We’ve furthermore said that every object which we define using Room is automatically going to have the light attribute.
  3. We’ve changed the way in which we define the four room objects, by starting them with our specialised word Room. The remainder of the definition for these objects – the header information, the block of properties, the block of attributes and the final semicolon – remains the same; except that:
  4. We don’t need to explicitly include the light attribute each time; every Room object has it automatically.

A class is a family of closely related objects, all of which behave in the same way. Any properties defined for the class, and any attributes defined for the class, are automatically given to objects which you specify as belonging to that class; this process of acquisition just by being a member of a class is called inheritance. In our example, we’ve defined a Room class with a light attribute, and then we’ve specified four objects each of which is a member of that class, and each of which gets given a light attribute as a result of that membership.

Why have we gone to this trouble? Three main reasons:

  • By moving the common bits of the definitions from the individual objects to the class definition which they share, those object definitions become shorter and simpler. Even if we had a hundred rooms, we’d still need to specify has light only once.
  • By creating a specialised word to identify our class of objects, we make our source file easier to read. Rather than absolutely everything being an anonymous Object, we can now immediately recognise that some are Room objects (and others belong to the different classes that we’ll create soon).
  • By collecting the common definitions into one place, we make it much easier to make widespread modifications in future. If we need to make some change to the definition of all our rooms, we just modify the Room class, and all of the class members inherit the change.

For these reasons, the use of classes is an incredibly powerful technique, easier than it may look, and very well worth mastering. From now on, we’ll be defining object classes whenever it makes sense (which is generally when two or more objects are meant to behave in exactly the same way).

You may be wondering: suppose I want to define a room which for some reason doesn’t have light; can I still use the Room class? Sure you can:

Room    cellar "Gloomy cellar"
  with  description "Your torch shows only cobwebby brick walls.",
  has   ~light;

This illustrates another nice feature of inheritance: the object definition can override the class definition. The class says has light, but the object itself says has ~light (read that as “has no light”) and the object wins. The cellar is dark, and the player will need a torch to see what’s in it.

In fact, for any object both the block of properties and the block of attributes are optional and can be omitted if there’s nothing to be specified. Now that the light attribute is being provided automatically and there aren’t any other attributes to set, the word has can be left out. Here’s the class again:

--- T Y P E ---

Class  Room
  has  light;

and here is how we could have used it in “Heidi”:

Room    "In front of a cottage"
  with  description
            "You stand outside a cottage. The forest stretches east.";

Room    "Deep in the forest"
  with  description
            "Through the dense foliage, you glimpse a building to the west.
             A track heads to the northeast.";


You’ll notice that, if an object has no block of attributes, the semicolon which terminates its definition simply moves to the end of its last property.

A class for props

We use the Room class in “William Tell”, and a few other classes besides. Here’s a Prop class (that’s “Prop” in the sense of a theatrical property rather than a supportive device), useful for scenic items whose only role is to sit waiting in the background on the off-chance that the player might think to EXAMINE them:

--- T Y P E ---

Class    Prop
  with   before [;
              return false;
              print_ret "You don't need to worry about ", (the) self, ".";
   has   scenery;

All objects of this class inherit the scenery attribute, so they’re excluded from room descriptions. Also, there’s a before property; one that’s more complex than our previous efforts. You’ll remember that the first before we met looked like this:

before [;
     print "It sounds scared and in need of assistance.^";
     return true;

The role of that original before was to intercept Listen actions, while leaving all others well alone. The role of the before in the Prop class is broader: to intercept (a) Examine actions, and (b) all the rest. If the action is Examine, then the return false statement means that the action carries on. If the action is default – none of those explicitly listed, which in this instance means every action apart from Examine – then the print_ret statement is executed, after which the interpreter does nothing further. So, a Prop object can be EXAMINEd, but any other action addressed to it results in a “no need to worry” message.

That message is also more involved than anything we’ve so far displayed. The statement which produces it is:

print_ret "You don't need to worry about ", (the) self, ".";

which you should read as doing this:

  1. display the string “You don’t need to worry about ”,
  2. display a definite article (usually “the”) followed by a space and the external name of the object concerned,
  3. display a period, and
  4. display a newline and return true in the usual way for a print_ret statement.

The interesting things that this statement demonstrates are:

  • The print and print_ret statements aren’t restricted to displaying a single piece of information: they can display a list of items which are separated by commas. The statement still ends with a semicolon in the usual way.
  • As well as displaying strings, you can also display the names of objects: given the nest object from our first game, (the) nest would display “the bird’s nest”, (The) nest would display “The bird’s nest”, (a) nest would display “a bird’s nest”, (A) nest would display “A bird’s nest” and (name) nest would display just “bird’s nest”. This use of a word in parentheses, telling the interpreter how to display the following object’s internal ID, is called a print rule.
  • There’s a library variable self which always contains the internal ID of the current object, and is really convenient when using a Class. By using this variable in our print_ret statement, we ensure that the message contains the name of the appropriate object.

Let’s see an example of this in action; here’s a Prop object from “William Tell”:

Prop    "south gate" street
  with  name 'south' 'southern' 'wooden' 'gate',
        description "The large wooden gate in the town walls is wide open.",

If players type EXAMINE GATE, they’ll see “The large wooden gate...”; if they type CLOSE GATE then the gate’s before property will step in and display “You don’t need to worry about the south gate”, neatly picking up the name of the object from the self variable.

The reason for doing all this, rather than just creating a simple scenery object like Heidi’s tree and cottage, is to support EXAMINE for increased realism, while clearly hinting to players that trying other verbs would be a waste of time.

A class for furniture

The last class for now – we’ll talk about the Arrow and NPC classes in the next chapter – is for furniture-like objects. If you label an object with the static attribute, an attempt to TAKE it results in “That’s fixed in place” – acceptable in the case of Heidi’s branch object (which is indeed supposed to be part of the tree), less so for items which are simply large and heavy. This Furniture class might sometimes be more appropriate:

--- T Y P E ---

Class    Furniture
  with   before [;
              print_ret (The) self, " is too heavy for that.";
   has   static supporter;

Its structure is similar to that of our Prop class: some appropriate attributes, and a before property to trap actions directed at it. Again, we display a message which is “personalised” for the object concerned by using a (The) self print rule. This time we’re intercepting four actions; we could have written the property like this:

before [;
    Take: print_ret (The) self, " is too heavy for that.";
    Pull: print_ret (The) self, " is too heavy for that.";
    Push: print_ret (The) self, " is too heavy for that.";
    PushDir: print_ret (The) self, " is too heavy for that.";

but since we’re giving exactly the same response each time, it’s better to put all of those actions into one list, separated by commas. PushDir, if you were wondering, is the action triggered by a command like PUSH THE TABLE NORTH.

Incidentally, another bonus of defining classes like these is that you can probably reuse them in your next game.

Now that most of our class definitions are in place, we can get on with defining some real rooms and objects. First, though, if you’re typing in the “William Tell” game as you read through the guide, you’d probably like to check that what you’ve entered so far is correct; Compile-as-you-go explains how to compile the game in its current – incomplete – state.